Pefkohori - Day 5 - Trip to Thessaloniki

9:38 AM

On 5. day in Pefkohori we decided to take a tour in Thessaloniki. We started our journy in 7h in the morning. That trip cost us 22€. Pefkohori is about 1,5h away from Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki is the second-largest city in Greece and the capital of the Greek region of Macedonia. Thessaloniki is Greece's second major economic, industrial, commercial and political centre, and a major transportation hub for the rest of southeastern Europe. When we arrived first thing we visited was Zeitenlik. Zeitenlik is an Allied military cemetery and memorial park in Thessaloniki, the largest in Greece. It contains the graves mostly of the Serbian but also of French, British, Italians Russian soldiers and Bulgarians POW, who died in the battles on the Salonika front during World War I. The complex is located on the place where the Main Hospital of the Serbian Army was located during the war. There we met old man Djordje. He is the keeper, host and curator of the Serbian Military Cemetery at Zeitenlik. His dad and grandfather also were keepers.
After Zeitenlik we visited leather factory. There some people bought leather jackets. I didn't. And after that we had free time to visit anything we want. So look at the photos.
Would you like to visit Thessaloniki?

Petog dana u Pefkohoriju odlucili smo da uplatimo turu za Solun. Nase putovanje je pocelo u 7h ujutru. Taj izlet nas je kostao 22€. Pefkohori se nalazi na oko 1,5h voznje od Soluna. Solun je drugi po velicini grad u Grckoj i prestonica Grcke pokrajine Makedonija. On je drugi grcki ekonomski, industrijski, komercijalni i politicki centar. Kada smo stigli prvo sto smo posetili bio je Zejtinlik. Zejtinlik je vojnicko groblje, najvece u Grckoj. U njegovom sklopu smesteni su grobovi srpskih, francuskih, britanskih, italijanskih, ruskih i bugarskih vojnika koji su poginuli u borbama na Solunskom frontu u I Svetskom ratu. Groblje je smesteno na mestu gde je bila glavna bolnica srpske armije u ratu. Tamo smo upoznali deka Djordja koji je treca generacija cuvara Srpskog dela groblja.
Posle Zejtinlika obisli smo cuvenu fabriku koze. Neki ljudi su tamo kupovali kozne jakne, bunde, mantile po snizenim cenama. Ja tu nista nisam kupila. Posle toga smo imali slobodno vreme da obilazimo sta hocemo i da radimo sta hocemo. Eto vam slika :)
Da li biste i vi posetili Solun?

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18 коментара

  1. Thanks for the comment :)

    Followed ya on GFC and follow back

  2. Looks like a lovely place, would love to visit once!


  3. Wow beautiful! I want to go to Greece so bad!

    <3 Shannon

  4. Odlicne slike. Izgleda kao veoma interesantno mesto za posetiti.

    Fabulous 30s

    1. Hvala! Svakako jeste, pogotovo taj centralni deo.

  5. Nice post! Amazing photos. Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

  6. hi dear! thanks for your comment! as i can see you were visit my home town! would you like spending time here? if you want to follow each other on gfc and bloglovin just let me know about it! kisses!

  7. GREAT POST! <3

    isa |

  8. Bas mi je krivo sto kad smo bili u Grckoj nismo otisli do Soluna, definitivno je vredelo posete!!! ;) pozzz

    1. Sledeci put obavezno! I odluci se pre nego sto krenes soping ili obilazak, oba ne mogu u jednom danu jer je preeevelik :)

  9. Great photos! I definitely want to visit someday

    Made in Mauve


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